Library and Cyber Center
David Bohnett Cyber Center
The David Bohnett Cyber Center at the Community Center bridges the digital divide for those without computer access.
There are five workstations equipped with iMac desktop computers, two wireless printers, and access to: Microsoft Word, Excel & Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Pages, Garage Band, Photobooth, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and more! The CyberCenter maintains full MS Office support, WiFi connection (for laptop users, too), and a host of programs you can use.
Did you know that you can access free tech support for your computer, tablet, phone or software at the Community Center? Tom Morris, our Program Assistant, is a certified Digital Navigator, trained through a program of the Mid-Hudson Library System.
Contact Tara at tara@lgbtqcenter.org or (845) 331-5300, extension 1005 to set up an appointment.
The David Bohnett Foundation is located in cities throughout the U.S. and offers free access to Internet and computer classes for the traditionally underserved LGBTQ+ community. The CyberCenters also serve as a hub for educational opportunities for seniors and youth.
The first CyberCenter was opened in 1998 at the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center. Its mission of providing software training, classes and Internet access inside a comfortable, informal environment proved so successful that it served as a blueprint for all CyberCenters around the nation. Most CyberCenters are located inside an LGBTQ+ community center that serves the local area where they are located.
David Bohnett and the David Bohnett Foundation are committed to improving society through social activism by providing funding, state-of-the-art technology and technical support to innovative organizations and institutions that, in addition to meeting their funding guidelines, share their vision. The Hudson Valley LGBTQ+ Community Center is one of those organizations, and our center houses six computer terminals as well as large-screen TVs for hybrid program access.
Fred Mayo Library
The Fred Mayo Library at The Community Center offers the largest selection of LGBTQ+ books and magazines in the Hudson Valley. Stop by and peruse the myriad of books and periodicals. Sit, relax and read a book.
For the full library catalog, please visit our Libib page.
To donate a book to the library, check out our Amazon Wishlist! If you order a book through our wishlist, it will be automatically sent to The Community Center.
Want to volunteer in the library? We are always looking for help with managing the collections. If interested, please contact Charlie Solidum via e-mail at charlie@lgbtqcenter.org.