Social & Support Groups
Mankind - the Men’s Group
Share your unique life-embracing insights with thoughtful, like-minded men in a supportive and uplifting group discussion.
Topics will include idealism/fantasy; defining masculinity; tribal identification; relationships, poly, mono, open; self-ideation; spiritualism; the masculine-feminine spectrum; self-care; investigating first “crushes”; health issues and privacy; the gay male sex plethora; relinquishing ego/harnessing jealousy; the human animal; and other topics that you bring to the group.
Ages 18+
Non-binary and trans men welcome!
Facilitated by Michael Erp (he/him) michaelerp128@gmail.com
The Rainbow Lounge
The Rainbow Lounge is a meetup for LGBTQ+ adults aged 50+ to relax and meet others in the community.
Please join us for a “hip adulting group” for adults aged 50+. In partnership with SAGE, this group is primarily a place to relax and share ourselves with others.
We will pursue topics such as the relevance of identifying as LGBTQIA+ in our lives; benefits of growing older; our adult reality as different from our younger expectations; sex; ageism, against both old and young; health; being a mentor; growing older with grace; and nurturing our relationships.
Further, as a group with rich experience, we can anticipate that there will be no lack of topics of interest that will be generated as we move forward. Let’s enjoy our time together!
Facilitated by Michael Erp (he/him) michaelerp128@gmail.com